Thursday, September 10, 2015

Macerated Strawberries

When I was a kid strawberries were small and sweet. Today, the strawberries you find at the market are huge and not sweet. I don't know what farmers have done, but the genetic manipulation to make them bigger has not made them better. Often they are still a bit green at the crown and the tip, hard and lacking a real strawberry flavor. Nothing is more disappointing than a strawberry that is not sweet and has no taste. Perhaps if you buy them at a farmer's market or pick them yourself at a farm they might be like the strawberries we remember as a child. 
My mother always macerated her strawberries. It guarantees a sweet and tender strawberry with real strawberry flavor and creates strawberry juice which is what you want if having strawberry shortcake or putting them over ice cream. This method is even more necessary today considering the strawberries on steroids that are available.
  • Start by rinsing a quart of strawberries under cold running water. 
  • Remove the crowns and any green tips. Cut off any soft bruised spots as well. 
  • Cut the strawberries in half. If they are the size of a golf ball cut them into quarters. Place them in a bowl. 
  • Add 1/4 cup of water, 
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of sugar and 
  • a few drops of lemon juice if you have it. Mix thoroughly. 
  • Now, if you like them sweeter and another tablespoon of sugar.
  • Cover and refrigerate for 24 hours.
You will have tender and sweet strawberries with much more flavor and natural juice.


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